Outdoor Electronic Sign
You're probably aware of our full color Electronic Message Center ("EMC") on the outside of the school building at the corner of Belden and Southport. Did you know that you can announce an upcoming birthday or anniversary message there?
For a donation of $50, your message will run from 6:00a-10:00p for one day.
How do I schedule my message?
1. Just email the parish office with the message you would like (see specs below) and the date you would like it to run at least 2 weeks in advance.
2. Make your $50 payment online at Give Central (General Donation) or drop off cash or a check at the parish office. Please indicate that your donation is for "E-Sign Message".
Parish Groups and Committees: If you would like your upcoming meeting or announcement on our EMC, please fill out our online Communications Request form. There is no charge for these.
Want to include a photo or graphic or logo?
Specifications for Electronic Messaging Center (eSign):
- 288 x 144 pixels horizontal, aspect ratio up to 5x (1440 x 720 pixels)
- Minimum 72dpi
- RGB only
- Jpg, gif or bitmap formats (no pdf)
- Text should be generated by the eSign programmer, not as part of the graphic (unless it is part of your logo design).
Limit copy to as few words as possible (1-2 short sentences works best) and only what can be read in 4 seconds or less.