Steps to Create a Communications Plan
1) Schedule a Meeting with the Parish Communications Team
We meet weekly on Mondays at 11am, choose a Monday and let us know when you'd like to meet.
2) Establish the Goals for Your Event
What is your ultimate goal?
If this is a fundraiser, what is the target $ amount you hope to raise?
3) Define your Audience
Who do you ultimately want to reach (school families, young adults, all parishioners, neighbors, specific groups, etc)?
4) Identify Key Messages
What message(s) are going to resonate most strongly with your key audience?
Will you use different messages leading up to, during, and/or following the event?
5) Create a Tactical Plan
How are you going to deliver your message(s) (bulletin, JosaFast, Mass announcement, email, esign, website, social media, signage in church, posters, outdoor signage, principal newsletter, direct mail, web page, flyers/postcards, etc)
Do you need volunteers to help?
6) Develop Materials
Who will create the print, copy, photos/images, flyers, etc?
Will printing be in-house or ordered from an outside vendor? We have preferred vendors that offer us reasonable costs and good service - keep their deadlines in mind when planning a timeline.
Do you need copy, logo or graphic design help?
Make sure you are following Parish Style guidelines and our parish fonts, colors and logo. Refer to the SJS Brand Identity Guide for examples.
7) Specify A Timeline
A recommended timeline to follow for design and execution.
Enter your plan in the Communications Request Form.