Miscellaneous » Sacraments » How can I finish my sacraments?

How can I finish my sacraments?

Sacraments are the way Catholics celebrate and nourish their faith. Catholic spirituality is a ‘sacramental spirituality’, a way of seeing the world and all that is in it as touched by the divine. It is how we understand God, drawing us in to a profoundly personal and intimate relationship.

In order that all our parishioners may participate as fully as possible in the sacramental life of the church, please look into the following:

Were you married in the church? If you were not married in church, would you like to have your marriage blessed? It might not be as complicated as you imagine. Do you need help beginning or completing the annulment process? Do you just want to talk about the pain of the ongoing brokenness you live with as a divorced person? Let us help.

Were you baptized in the Catholic faith? If you were baptized in a different Christian faith or if you were never baptized, please consider joining our OCIA (The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) process which begins in October at the Parish Rectory. We meet every other week. Come and journey with us as we answer your questions concerning our Catholic faith.

Was your child baptized in the Catholic faith? If so, does the school or parish have a copy of his/her baptismal certificate on file? If your child(ren) was baptized in another faith, they may need to make a Profession of faith, if you want them to receive any of the other sacraments. This can be done after a brief period of catechesis in our parish school or Religious Education program. They would then be fully welcomed into the Catholic Church and begin preparation to receive their sacraments.

If your child(ren) was not baptized, you may want to have them baptized at this time. In such a case they would join a group called The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. If your child(ren) did not receive the sacraments of Reconciliation or Eucharist in second grade they can do so after a period of catechetical formation.

Is your 1st through 8th grade child in the Religious Education Program or attending St. Josaphat School? If not, please enroll them in our School or Religious Education Program immediately. Children must be in a formal religion class for two years before receiving their First Holy Communion. All parish children must be involved in some form of Catholic education every year in order to be fully prepared to receive the sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade.