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Service Opportunities for Confirmation and High School

"My mission of being in the heart of the people is not just a part of my life or a badge I can take off; it is not an "extra" or just another moment in life.  Instead, it is something I cannot uproot from my being without destroying my very self.  I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world."  Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (no. 273)

Various Group Service Projects will be scheduled throughout the year. You will receive notice or you can always check the sign up link below to see what's available. These opportunities are always a fun and exciting way to earn service hours with your friends and community. Service, in general, is performing one's religious duty and fulfilling one's moral responsibility of meeting the needs of others.To serve God is the primary obligation of human beings, personally and socially, to be done in acts of worship and prayer; and in acts of virtue as prescribed by the natural and revealed laws of God.

(As a reminder, for Eighth Grade Confirmation you will need to complete at least four Parish Service Projects and three Community Service Projects by February.)    

Our Hands of Mercy Outreach efforts by the parish can be counted as either a community or parish opportunity, feel free to check their page of the website for more info. Here are some recommended options:
  • Don's Helping Hands - Food distribution regularly weekdays 9:30-10:30am, other special options are available as well.
  • Aging Ministry - Assist with special events and visits to Little Sisters of the Poor and Symphony senior living homes. Volunteer opportunities depend on what is going on in the communities, contact for more info.
  • Refugee Ministry - The Exodus New Neighbor Program helps to ease the loneliness and isolation that many refugees experience when moving to a new country. This opportunity involves participation of the whole family and more info can be seen on their page.
If you are aware of other community opportunties yourself, please feel free to verify their eligibility for our service requirement by contacting Nathan Johnson, Director of Faith Formation.


  • Advent Wreath Making: Clipping Branches for the Wreaths
    An important event in the life of our parish is our annual Advent Wreath Making.  Come to the patio behind the rectory with garden clippers in hand and help us prepare the greens for this event.
  • Children's Liturgy of the Word, Sundays 10am Mass
    Children's Liturgy of the Word, or "CLOW", as we like to call it, is a ministry of bringing the word (scripture) to our little ones on their level. You will walk the kids to the side chapel and read the reading and the gospel to our parish children who are 8 years old and under. You will then talk about it with the kids and sometimes do a fun activity with them. Sign up to do it with a friend! (We have sign up genius for this one)
  • Help with Parish Christmas Mailing
    Every year our parishioners receive a Christmas letter from Fr Francis with all of the important information about our Christmas schedule. Come to the rectory on and help us stuff the letters, label and seal the envelopes.
  • Volunteer to become an Altar Server or Usher - Father Francis will hold a training to be scheduled this January or February.  You will receive a separate sign up to begin volunteering at mass. 
  • Youth Choir - Volunteer to be part of the Children's Choir.
  • Religious Education Classroom Helper -  Classroom helpers will help the catechists with the classroom activities such as taking attendance, helping prepare and perform classroom activities and projects.
  • Communion Retreat Leaders - Communion retreat leaders will help second graders at their communion retreat.
  • Communion Retreat Babysitters - You will help watch the younger siblings of the second graders in the chapel while they are on their communion retreat.
  • Santa's Helpers for Breakfast with Santa - Assist the coordinators with keeping tables clean and kids activities for Breakfast with Santa. 
  • Helping the Rectory with Easter Mailing - Stuffing, sealing and stamping the parish Easter Mailing materials.