Christifideles Award
Each pastor in the Archdiocese is asked to consider the main themes of the Apostolic Exhortation and, in light of that reflection, nominate a person or persons whose participation in the life of the parish most reflects those themes. The criteria for the award are:
- The individual or individuals are to be practicing Catholics who manifest an understanding of the teachings of the Church and have been graced with a life formed in the Catholic Spiritual Tradition.
- The individual or individuals have used their talents to deepen the life of the Church in the parish or has served the ministry of the parish in an extraordinary way.
- The nomination for the award has been advanced by the pastor of the parish in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council.
- The appropriate dean and Vicar approve the nomination.
Congratulations to our
2022 Christifideles Award Recipient: Faye Shillair!
I had the honor of accompanying Faye Shillair and her family to Holy Name Cathedral where she accepted the Christifideles Award from Cardinal Cupich.
Parishes get to nominate one person each year to receive this prestigious award. This award is bestowed upon an individual Catholic layperson who has demonstrated, by participation in parish life, the personal and ministerial renewal called for by the Papal Exhortation Christifideles Laici. This exhortation calls the laity to the vocation of responsibility for the Church’s life, springing from the gift and mission of their Baptism.
Faye has been an extremely dedicated member of the parish community. She serves as a member of our Parish Pastoral Council, she has served as a volunteer for our Vacation Bible School, and she has chaired or had a major hand in every Unity Gala for the past five years that I have been here. Faye gives of her time, talent and treasure in so many other ways to support our parish.
I am deeply grateful to Faye and her family for their support and commitment to our parish. She definitely is a worthy recipient of this year’s award. Next time you see her, please join me in congratulating Faye on receiving this year’s award!
God Bless,
Fr. Francis
2021 Christifideles Award Recipient: Lou Storino!
The Archdiocese of Chicago instituted the Christifideles Award to celebrate the inspiring stories of faith that arise from our continued devotion to Christ.
This year’s recipient of the Christifideles Award is Lou Storino. This award is given to a parishioner whose faith is expressed within their everyday actions toward their neighbor. The person to whom this award is given is a faith filled volunteer who goes above and beyond in regard to service of others within the parish and outside our parish walls. Lou Storino has certainly proven worthy of this prestigious award. Lou serves on the School Board, the Parish Pastoral Council and the Evangelization Team. He has also volunteered as a host or helper for several seasons of Alpha. Lou is the leader of the Men’s Spirituality Group as well. Lou and his family attended the award ceremony last weekend at Holy Name Cathedral where he was honored for his incredible commitment to his faith. You will see Lou and his wife Anaa and daughters, Katarina and Mariana at mass every weekend. When you see Lou at church please be sure to congratulate him.
~Mary Jane Sullivan
Christifideles Award Winners from St. Josaphat Parish
2022: Faye Shillair
2021: Lou Storino
2018: Kelly Smith
2017: Debra Fairfield
2016: Nolan & Georgia Burke
2015: Joe & Linda Keller
2014: Don Tebrunsel
2013: Todd & Christine Frech
2012: Brother Don Houde
2011: John & Julie Dreixler
2010: Larry & Julie Krema
2009: David & Elizabeth Blinderman
2007: Richard & Jana Ashbeck
2006: Hans & Mona Wolf
2004: Louis & Cathy Barlock